
Checking into a New Mindset

How we crafted the right strategy to win big with millennials.

Choice Hotels needed to stand out and attract a new audience with its up-and-coming brand, Cambria hotels & suites.

Millennial travelers were unattached, unloved, and up-for-grabs—and they wanted to feel seen.

We helped Choice Hotels build a young, hip brand for its portfolio, successfully winning the hearts of trendsetters.

From guidelines to key cards, our new look, feel and messaging was applied to all aspects of the brand.

From guidelines to key cards, our new look, feel and messaging was applied to all aspects of the brand.

Results and Impact

The primary KPI for this initiative, awareness, increased by 20% with our target audience in key markets. This boosted awareness and played a critical role in growing bookings across the properties.

Transform Your Brand

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